$99 Teeth Cleaning, X-ray & Exam.




Wisdom teeth, also known as third molars, are the last set of molars to emerge at the back of your mouth. They typically develop and erupt between the ages of 17 and 25. While some people have no issues with their wisdom teeth, others may experience various problems due to factors such as lack of space in the jaw or the teeth erupting at an angle.


IMPACTED WISDOM TEETH: Impacted wisdom teeth occur when the teeth do not have enough space to fully emerge or develop normally. They may remain partially or completely trapped within the gum tissue or jawbone, leading to pain, swelling, infection, or damage to neighboring teeth.

CROWDING: Wisdom teeth can cause overcrowding in the mouth, pushing against adjacent teeth and disrupting the alignment of your existing teeth.

TOOTH DECAY & GUM DISEASE: Due to their location at the back of the mouth, wisdom teeth are more challenging to clean properly. As a result, they are more prone to tooth decay (cavities) and gum disease, which can affect not only the wisdom teeth but also the neighboring teeth.

CYSTS OR TUMORS: In some cases, cysts or tumors can develop around impacted wisdom teeth, causing damage to the jawbone, teeth, and nerves


EXAMINATION & X-RAYS: Our dentist will conduct a thorough examination of your mouth and take X-rays to evaluate the position, orientation, and condition of your wisdom teeth. This will help determine if removal is necessary and the most appropriate approach for the procedure.

ANESTHESIA: Wisdom tooth removal can be performed under local anesthesia to numb the area around the tooth or under general anesthesia to ensure you are asleep and comfortable throughout the procedure. The choice of anesthesia will be discussed with you based on your needs and preferences.

TOOTH EXTRACTION: If your wisdom teeth have fully erupted, a straightforward extraction can be performed. The dentist will gently loosen the tooth and remove it using specialized dental instruments. In the case of impacted wisdom teeth, a small incision may be made in the gum tissue to access and remove the tooth.

STICHING & HEALING: Following the extraction, stitches may be placed to close the incision and promote proper healing. You will be provided with detailed post-operative instructions on how to care for the extraction site, manage any discomfort or swelling, and promote a smooth recovery.


Recovery from wisdom tooth removal typically takes a few days to a week. During this time, it is essential to follow the post-operative instructions provided by our dental team. These instructions may include guidelines on oral hygiene, pain management, diet, and follow-up appointments to monitor your healing progress.


PAIN RELIEF: Wisdom tooth removal can alleviate the pain and discomfort associated with impacted or problematic wisdom teeth.

PREVENTING DENTAL ISSUES: By removing wisdom teeth before they cause problems, you can avoid potential complications such as tooth decay, gum disease, misalignment, and damage to adjacent teeth.

IMPROVED ORAL HEALTH: Wisdom tooth removal contributes to better overall oral health, making it easier to maintain proper oral hygiene and reducing the risk of future dental issues.

PREVENTING INFECTIONS & COMPLICATIONS: Removing impacted wisdom teeth can prevent infections, cysts, tumors, and other potential complications from developing in the surrounding tissues.

At EDITION dental, we are dedicated to providing safe and comfortable wisdom tooth removal procedures. Our experienced team will guide you through every step of the process, ensuring that your treatment is personalized to meet your specific needs. If you have any questions or would like to schedule a consultation, please contact our office. We are here to assist you in achieving optimal oral health and a pain-free smile through wisdom tooth removal.


Bone grafting, also known as hard tissue grafting, is a procedure that involves adding bone or bone-like materials to your jawbone. This technique is commonly used to restore bone volume and density, which may have been lost due to factors such as tooth extraction, gum disease, or trauma.


ASSESSMENT: Our experienced dentist will evaluate your dental and medical history, perform a thorough examination, and assess the condition of your jawbone using diagnostic imaging techniques such as X-rays or CT scans.

GRAFTING MATERIAL SELECTION: Depending on your specific needs, different grafting materials may be considered. These can include your own bone (autograft), donor bone from another source (allograft), synthetic bone substitutes, or a combination of these materials. Our dentist will discuss the most suitable option for you.

GRAFT PLACEMENT: During the procedure, the grafting material is placed in the targeted area of the jawbone. It is carefully positioned and secured to promote new bone growth. In some cases, a membrane or barrier may be used to protect the graft and enhance its effectiveness.

HEALING AND INTEGRATION: Over time, the graft material serves as a scaffold for new bone cells to grow and integrate. The healing process can take several months, during which the graft fuses with your natural bone, resulting in a stronger and more stable foundation for dental restorations or implants.


IMPROVED DENTAL IMPLANT SUCCESS: Dental implants require sufficient bone density and volume for successful placement and long-term stability. Hard tissue grafting ensures that there is an adequate foundation to support dental implants.

RESTORED FACIAL AESTHETICS: Bone loss in the jaw can cause a sunken or aged appearance. Hard tissue grafting helps preserve facial structure, providing a more youthful and natural facial contour.

ENHANCED DENTURE STABILITY: Dentures rely on a well-supported jawbone for stability. Hard tissue grafting can provide a secure foundation for dentures, preventing slippage or discomfort.

PRESERVATION OF ADJACENT TEETH: Bone loss can affect the neighboring teeth, leading to potential oral health issues. Hard tissue grafting helps maintain the integrity of the surrounding teeth, reducing the risk of additional tooth loss.


SEVERE TOOTH DECAY: When a tooth is severely decayed or damaged, it may not be salvageable through restorative treatments such as fillings or root canal therapy. In such cases, a dental extraction may be necessary to prevent the spread of infection and protect the health of surrounding teeth.

DENTAL INFECTION OR ABSCESS: If a tooth infection or abscess is left untreated, it can lead to severe pain, swelling, and even systemic health issues. Dental extraction may be recommended to eliminate the source of infection and prevent its spread to other areas.

OVERCROWDING: In some cases, dental extractions are performed as part of orthodontic treatment. Removing a tooth can create space to align the remaining teeth properly and improve overall bite alignment.

WISDOM TEETH: Wisdom teeth, also known as third molars, often require extraction due to their potential for complications. These teeth may be impacted, partially erupted, or causing crowding, pain, or damage to neighboring teeth.


EXAMINATION & X-RAYS: Our dentist will conduct a thorough examination of your mouth and take X-rays to assess the condition of the tooth, its position, and its roots. This evaluation helps determine the most appropriate approach for the extraction procedure.

ANESTHESIA: Dental extractions can be performed under local anesthesia to numb the area surrounding the tooth or under general anesthesia if multiple teeth are being extracted or for patients with dental anxiety or special needs. The choice of anesthesia will be discussed with you based on your needs and preferences.

TOOTH EXTRACTION: During the extraction procedure, the tooth is gently loosened and carefully removed from its socket using specialized dental instruments. In some cases, a small incision may be necessary to access the tooth. Our dental team will ensure your comfort throughout the procedure.

AFTERCARE: Following the extraction, you will be provided with detailed post-operative instructions. These instructions may include guidelines on oral hygiene, pain management, diet, and follow-up appointments to monitor your healing progress.

RECOVERY & AFTERCARE: Recovery from a dental extraction usually takes a few days to a week. It is important to follow the post-operative instructions provided by our dental team to promote proper healing and minimize any discomfort or swelling. This may involve gently rinsing your mouth, avoiding certain foods, taking prescribed medications, and attending follow-up appointments as necessary.


ELIMINATION OF PAIN & INFECTION: Dental extractions relieve pain and remove the source of infection or decay, improving your overall oral health and well-being.

PREVENTING COMPLICATIONS: Extracting problematic teeth can prevent the spread of infection, abscesses, cysts, and other potential complications to adjacent teeth or other parts of the mouth.

ORTHODONTIC TREATMENT: Dental extractions may be recommended as part of orthodontic treatment to create space and achieve proper alignment of the remaining teeth.

ENHANCED ORAL HEALTH: Removing severely decayed or infected teeth helps maintain the health and integrity of surrounding teeth and gums.

At EDITION dental, we are committed to providing safe and comfortable dental extraction procedures. Our experienced team will guide you through every step of the process, ensuring that your treatment is personalized to meet your specific needs. If you have any questions or would like to schedule a consultation, please contact our office. We are here to assist you in achieving optimal oral health and a pain-free smile through dental extractions.


Alveolar ridge preservation is a dental procedure performed immediately after tooth extraction to minimize the loss of bone volume and maintain the natural contours of the jawbone. When a tooth is removed, the underlying alveolar ridge, which supports the tooth, can undergo resorption or shrinkage over time. Alveolar ridge preservation aims to prevent this bone loss, providing a stable foundation for future dental restorations such as dental implants.


EXTRACTION & SOCKET PRESERVATION: The process begins with the careful extraction of the tooth. After the extraction, the socket, which is the space left in the jawbone, is thoroughly cleaned and prepared for the preservation procedure.

GRAFTING MATERIAL PLACEMENT: A grafting material, such as bone grafts or synthetic materials, is placed into the socket to fill the empty space and promote bone regeneration. The grafting material serves as a scaffold for new bone cells to grow, preserving the height and width of the alveolar ridge.

MEMBRANE PLACEMENT (IF APPLICABLE): In some cases, a membrane or barrier may be placed over the grafting material to protect it and enhance its effectiveness. The membrane prevents soft tissue from invading the socket, allowing for undisturbed bone regeneration.

HEALING & INTEGRATION: Over time, the grafting material and the surrounding bone integrate, forming new bone tissue in the socket. This process, known as osseointegration, helps maintain the volume and contours of the alveolar ridge.


PRESERVATION OF BOEN VOLUME: Alveolar ridge preservation minimizes the loss of bone volume that occurs after tooth extraction, maintaining the natural shape and density of the jawbone.

IMPROVED AESTHETICS: By preserving the alveolar ridge, the procedure helps maintain the natural contours of your gums and jaw, ensuring a harmonious and aesthetic appearance.

ENHANCED IMPLANT SUCCESS: Alveolar ridge preservation creates a more favorable environment for future dental implant placement by providing sufficient bone volume and stability.

REDUCES TREATMENT COMPLEXITY: By preserving the alveolar ridge, the need for additional bone grafting procedures or complex treatments in the future may be minimized, saving you time and potential discomfort.

PRESERVES FACIAL STRUCTURE: Maintaining the integrity of the alveolar ridge helps preserve your facial structure and prevent the sunken or aged appearance that can occur with bone loss.

At EDITION dental, we prioritize the long-term oral health and satisfaction of our patients. Alveolar ridge preservation is one of the many advanced techniques we employ to ensure optimal outcomes and provide a solid foundation for your future dental treatments, including dental implants. If you have any questions or would like to schedule a consultation, please contact our office. Our experienced dental team is here to guide you through the alveolar ridge preservation process and help you achieve a healthy and confident smile.

Oral Surgery Clinic Toronto

Impacted or poorly positioned wisdom teeth can cause many issues. When they are partially erupted, the opening around the teeth allows bacteria to grow and will eventually cause an infection. The result: swelling, stiffness, pain, and illness. The pressure from the erupting wisdom teeth may move other teeth and disrupt the orthodontic or natural alignment of teeth. The most serious problem occurs when tumors or cysts form around the impacted wisdom teeth, resulting in the destruction of the jawbone and healthy teeth. Early removal is recommended to avoid such future problems and to decrease the surgical risk involved with the procedure.

At EDITION dental, we are committed to providing safe and comfortable dental extraction procedures. Our experienced team will guide you through every step of the process, ensuring that your treatment is personalized to meet your specific needs. If you have any questions or would like to schedule a consultation, please contact our office. We are here to assist you in achieving optimal oral health and a pain-free smile through dental extractions.



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Oral Surgery Specialist Toronto

Dental emergencies can happen at any time. At EDITION Dental we are available to tend to your emergent concerns. Here is a general overview of how our emergency dental process works:


CONTACT THE DENTIST: If you are experiencing a dental emergency, the first step is to contact your dentist or a local emergency dental clinic. They will be able to advise you on the best course of action and provide guidance on how to manage the emergency until you can receive treatment.


RECEIVING TREATMENT: Depending on the specific emergency, the dentist may be able to see you on the same day or may need to schedule an appointment for the next available opening. During the appointment, the dentist will evaluate the emergency and provide appropriate treatment to address the problem.


FOLLOW-UP CARE: After the initial emergency treatment, the dentist may recommend follow-up care to address any underlying issues and prevent future emergencies from occurring. This may include further treatment, such as fillings or crowns, or recommendations for at-home care.

Dr. Jessica Tasios